Browsing Archive: December, 2014

Alternative Dispute Resolution for the Workplace

Posted by Stephen Wood on Wednesday, December 31, 2014, In : ADR 
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution ('ADR')?  
ADR is a term given to a variety of processes designed as alternatives to issuing Employment Tribunal or Court proceedings.  ADR is voluntary and requires all parties to agree on the type of process.

Types of ADR
There is a range of ADR processes available.  At one end of the spectrum is the process of the parties meeting to try and resolve the dispute.  At the other end is the more formal process of Arbitration.  There are 3 main categories of A...
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ACAS Paper asks if Workplace Mediation should be used earlier

Posted by Stephen Wood on Monday, December 29, 2014, In : ACAS 
The 2014 ACAS Paper 'Analysis of the nature, extent and impact of grievance and disciplinary procedures and workplace mediation using WERS2011' by Professor Stephen Wood, Dr Richard Saundry and Professor Paul Latreille has been published. The analysis is based on the Workplace Employment Relations Study of 2011 and comparisons are made with its 2004 predecessor.

The Paper considered in particular:
(1) The nature and extent of Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures;
(2) The introduction and use of...

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ACAS Research Paper shows workplace mediation is increasingly being used in workplace disputes

Posted by Stephen Wood on Sunday, December 21, 2014, In : ACAS 
The ACAS Research Paper 'Analysis of the nature, extent and impact of grievance and disciplinary procedures and workplace mediation using WERS2011' by Professor Stephen Wood (University of Leicester), Dr Richard Saundry (Plymouth University) and Professor Paul Latreille (University of Sheffield) has been published.

The report reveals:
  • Adoption of formal procedures for dispute resolution is now almost ubiquitous
  • There is little to suggest that mediation is being used at an early stage to prevent ...

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Why mediation works

Posted by Stephen Wood on Sunday, December 14, 2014, In : Why mediation works 
The UK's Ministry of Justice's website (as at 14th December 2014) sets out that "Courts should be the last resort for people involved in civil or family disputes unless there are issues around urgency and safety, eg in relation to child abuse or domestic violence."  

The Ministry of Justice, in describing mediation as a possible alternative to litigation, sets out that under mediation "
individuals concerned have greater control and responsibility in resolving disagreements than if they went to...
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When to use workplace mediation?

Posted by Stephen Wood on Sunday, December 7, 2014, In : When to use 
Workplace mediation is a voluntary process, usually arranged by the employer, where two or more employees agree to attend a meeting with an impartial mediator.  The mediator works with the employees in helping them negotiate their own resolution and create an agreed way forward.

Workplace mediation can be used:
  • upon the raising of a grievance
  • during or after an investigation into a grievance
  • after a grievance meeting 
  • before a grievance appeal
  • when an employee returns to work after a long-term abse...

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Workplace Mediation in Oxford

Posted by Stephen Wood on Monday, December 1, 2014, In : Workplace Mediation Oxford 
Workplace disputes can frequently be extremely damaging to an employer, with disputes often escalating quickly, and typically leading to lower morale, lower productivity, higher staff turnover and employment tribunal claims.

Workplace mediation is a voluntary process, usually arranged by the employer, where two or more employees agree to attend a meeting with an impartial mediator.  The mediator works with the employees in helping them negotiate their own resolution and create an agreed way fo...
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About Me

Stephen Wood is an ADR Group Accredited Civil & Commercial Mediator, an ADR Group Accredited Workplace Mediator, an ADR Group Accredited Online Mediator and a Consultant Litigation Solicitor. In 2017 Stephen was appointed to the Panel of Chairs of the Valuation Tribunal of England. In 2023 Stephen was appointed a Family Court Magistrate in Leicestershire. Stephen has undertaken over 100 paid mediations.
