Showing category "When to use" (Show all posts)

When may a mediator be called into negotiations?

Posted by Stephen Wood on Monday, January 2, 2017, In : When to use 
In his textbook 'The Mediation Process', Christopher W Moore sets out that a mediator may be called into negotiations when:
  • Parties are having difficulty contacting each other, convening a meeting or starting talks;
  • Disputants cannot reach agreement on an acceptable forum or structure for negotiations;
  • Parties' emotions or expression of negative feelings about the situation or toward each other are intense and are preventing a focused or calm discussion or agreement;
  • There is a significant lack o...

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When is the best time to mediate?

Posted by Stephen Wood on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, In : When to use 
The best time to mediate will depend upon the dispute, the parties and their lawyers.  There is a risk that in mediating too early, not all of the issues will have been identified.  In particular, lawyers may be concerned that insufficient disclosure may have taken place for them to have been able to properly assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case.  However, mediating too late is likely to mean that the costs will have increased so much that the only way out is to take the claim too ...
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When to use workplace mediation?

Posted by Stephen Wood on Sunday, December 7, 2014, In : When to use 
Workplace mediation is a voluntary process, usually arranged by the employer, where two or more employees agree to attend a meeting with an impartial mediator.  The mediator works with the employees in helping them negotiate their own resolution and create an agreed way forward.

Workplace mediation can be used:
  • upon the raising of a grievance
  • during or after an investigation into a grievance
  • after a grievance meeting 
  • before a grievance appeal
  • when an employee returns to work after a long-term abse...

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About Me

Stephen Wood is an ADR Group Accredited Civil & Commercial Mediator, an ADR Group Accredited Workplace Mediator, an ADR Group Accredited Online Mediator and a Consultant Litigation Solicitor. In 2017 Stephen was appointed to the Panel of Chairs of the Valuation Tribunal of England. In 2023 Stephen was appointed a Family Court Magistrate in Leicestershire. Stephen has undertaken over 100 paid mediations.
